Perette Barella

Get a Fucking Life

Fixing health insurance denials

UH CEO got shot the other week. Murder in the streets ain't a good prescedent to set for resolving our national problems, but I don't feel the least bit bad that this CEO is dead. These ain't Ayn Rand's upstanding capitalists, who will move heaven and earth to fulfill the promise they made on a handshake deal. Instead, we pay our dues and when we need their help, they weasel, worm and nickle & dime us—sometimes, literally to death.

I have thoughts on a solution. Feel free to pass the idea along, and/or crib from my letter when writing your own representative about the fixes you want made. Insurance is generally regulated on a state level, not nationally, so you're writing your state reps, not your national ones.

On a philosophical note... I'm not against profits. But there's a point where profits become profiteering. Most of us work hard for our money. I'm not asking to be paid millions, but I do think everyone deserves an honest day's pay for an honest day's work. We've been struggling to hold onto that as the entitled tightwads at the top take more and more for themselves. The greed of capitalism is its own worst enemy. Unless something changes, more backlash will come. I'm not saying I encourage it—just that I recognize it. For years, they've kept us distracted, fighting each other over identity politics—but the united frustration was evident around the CEO shooting.

If the day comes that the commonplace folk in the US realize who real enemy is—not the left, not the right, not the Christians, Muslims, immigrants or queers, but the rich and powerful—there will be a reckonning. I don't know what it's going to look like—mass protests and strikes, a French revolution, a civil war, a new crop of young socialist politicians taking us in a new direction, or something else—but it's likely gonna be some hard times for a while when it comes. Boy, wouldn't it be ironic if the abuses of capitalism drove us all the way into the arms of communism? (Not ideal, IMO.)

I do hope one day things return to "liberty and justice for all", instead of just the rich and powerful.


“A republic, if you can keep it.” —Benjamin Franklin

According to the Discordians, there is a cycle that goes chaos, confusion, discord, bureacracy, aftermath. I have a bad feeling about where we are in this cycle.

Back in 2011, I read George Orwell's 1984, and afterwards I wrote a sort of "blueprint" for updating it to America and modern times. I set it in 2024 based on a date in a vision/foreboding dream I had in late 2000. It is scarily accurate to the shitshow our country has turned into.

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