Technology & Computing

Coding Reflections
Stuff I learned while working on pianod (and other software projects).
Moving to Android
Impressions of Android as I transition off iOS. (10 minutes)
The State of Linux
Linux is not known for ease of use. But faced with Apple's decline, is Linux a viable replacement? (32 minutes)
Y2K: Setting The Record Straight
Failing to meet dire predictions does not mean Y2K was nothing, or a plot by software engineers to make money. (4 minutes)
Mourning the loss of Physical Interfaces
As screens and touch panels appear on everything from cars to fridges, I find my myself longing for knobs and switches. (9 minutes)
Dear App Developers
Instead of being awkward-to-use hodgepodges of features, Apps should focus on one thing, and do it well. (5 minutes)
Data Storage Thoughts
Thoughts on storing, backups, archiving, and retrieving data. (16 minutes)